I took some landscape timbers I had laying around to make a frame for the area I freed up by moving the fence. Laying two 8ft landscape timbers, lengthwise on top of one another I was able to make a frame measuring 6ft by 16ft by 8in, level with my drive way. I then bought bags of Peat Moss, composted cow manure and top soil. I started with a layer of peat moss, then a layer of cow manure with a layer of topsoil on top. I left some composted leaves and other compost-able material underneath, then as the year went on I would add discarded vegetables, watermelon rinds, corn cobs, anything the worms could turn into compost. I grew my peppers, heirloom tomatoes, egg plant and okra there.
The patio started out good but the heat took a toll on my riser plants. I had some Nasturtiums that developed some kind of fungus that shot out tentacles,the tentacles emanated from the base of the stalk then wrapped themselves around the limbs till they choked out the vegetation. It reminded me of the feelers that a cucumber plants puts out to latch on to other vegetation. It also attacked a thyme plant that I had but none of the others were bothered with it. I learned that in hot weather you want to be careful with over watering. I almost lost my red creeping thyme due to the roots sitting in water and the heat virtually cooks the roots. Even my "Purple Grass" was a disappointment. I love to blend in a planter or two of Purple Grass each year. The purple tassels make a nice contrast to the rest of the patio but this year they didn't produce any tassels.
My banana trees thrived very well in the heat in fact by the end of the season I had approx 20 trees in pots around the patio. I also cleaned off a smaller riser in a less sunny part of the patio the grow plants that didn't require as much sun light. With my tomatoes and other exotic plants though we still had a nice patio scene this year.
That is so pretty and cool. I love your ideas. I am sorry about the Nastratums. I hope to put them around my garden as they attack aphids, I think.
Morning Ace!
Lovely garden you have there and I'm gonna try to turn my brown thumb green this Spring.
I've had pretty good luck with herbs grown in planters on the deck but this year I'm gonna till some dirt in the yard and go for the tomatoes. Maybe some peppers and beans.
fairyduster (aka Gwen)
Thanks Gwen. It was a beautiful day here yesterday and I was able to get out and do somethings. I'm getting my banana trees ready now.
I have better luck with my herbs when I grow them in a planter as opposed to in the garden. In the winter I bring them up close to the house and as they are perennials they come back every year.
Stayed tuned because I'll have more later.
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